ADA Compliance · July 22, 2024
The Americans with Disabilities Act is a federal law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in public spaces. It also ensures that people with disabilities have equal access to employment and consumer opportunities. Most people know that the ADA applies to physical spaces, but not everyone knows that business websites should also be accessible. Title III of the ADA addresses how businesses serve customers in physical locations and online. Let's start there.
Management · July 15, 2024
A group that strives for harmony and consensus in its major decisions faces a dilemma. On one hand, cohesion appears beneficial. Surely it should be positive to operate in a warm, clubby atmosphere, guided by a unified esprit de corps. The problem arises when such cohesion suffocates critical thinking, leading the cozy club toward suboptimal decisions. In other words, you need some devil's advocates to argue the other side of the case.

Employee Benefits · July 08, 2024
Start with the idea that 30 days of leave are the bare minimum for staff. These days of leave include vacation days, sick days, holidays and other personal days. Typically, U.S. employers grant 10 days of paid vacation time — two full weeks — per year to each full-time employee. Holidays, roughly 10 per year, are defined as national or state holidays that everyone takes off.
Payroll/Taxes · July 01, 2024
On-call employees are required by their employers to be available for work even during the employees' time off. Whether you must provide on-call pay for these employees depends on a few factors. But if you're not paying for these hours, you may be violating the Fair Labor Standards Act rules for hours worked and overtime. And that's a recipe for hefty fines.

June 24, 2024
Ironically, it is managers who often cringe at criticizing, even more than the rank and file on the receiving end. They hope to be respected and liked by their teams. If they are carping or overly judgmental, they fear earning a reputation as high-handed, nit-picky or mean-spirited. Providing genuinely constructive criticism is a fine line to tread.
June 17, 2024
A pooled employer plan is a defined contribution plan, like a 401(k), that multiple employers can participate in. A PEP outsources many fiduciary responsibilities along with plan management and administrative functions to a third-party pooled plan provider.

Payroll/Taxes · June 10, 2024
If you know in advance what common errors employers make with W-2s, maybe you can avoid those mistakes next year. Know also that the data needed for state W-2 reporting may be more difficult to gather from far-flung employees, but states are cracking down on employers who haven’t withheld.
Human Resources · June 03, 2024
There are many reasons why employees quit: They feel their salary is too low. They don't see a clear career track or professional development opportunities. They want more flexibility at work and in their personal lives. They don't feel valued or appreciated for their efforts and skills. How you respond when someone quits makes a big difference to company morale and to your ability to prevent similar resignations in the future.

May 20, 2024
For a business, the process of interviewing candidates and hiring people who are well-suited for the available positions is key. Not only do you need to stand out from your competition, but you also must be intentional about whom you hire so as to not offer the job to the least-suited candidate.
Payroll/Taxes · May 14, 2024
Tax season may be over for this year, but it's never too early to start for next year. How can you make tax prep easier for your employees?

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